Saint Stanislaus B&M Roman Catholic Church

Greetings from Pastor
We cordially welcome to the Mother Church of Polonia in Buffalo - Saint Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Parish.
O Lord, We lift our eyes to see your glory. We open our hearts to receive your love. We engage our minds to understand your truths. We offer our songs to praise your name. Lord, as we give you our lives, please take everything that we are, so that we may reveal your blessings in our Parish.
We have a lot of activities both spiritually and socially for parishioners of all ages.
Come join us!
Introduce yourself after Mass to The Pastor or stop by or call the rectory during the week.


News & Events

Holy Masses

Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00pm

Sunday Masses: 8:30am, 12:00pm (Polish)/p>

Weekday Morning Mass:

8:00am everyday followed by Rosary

View the full schedule

News & Events

With access to the adjacent parish school building's large gym, our Social Hall and Marian Hall, Saint Stanislaus is always ready to offer various community social and religious activities for all ages.

Parish activities

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Register as a parishioner of the Saint Stanislaus B&M Roman Catholic Church

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Gorzkie Żale Saint Stanislaus B&M Church

   The Ancient chants retracing the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ form the essence of this typically Polish weekly Lenten service that takes its name from the words of the hymn, "Gorzkie zale przybywajcia" (Come to us, bitter lamentations). Many Poles know the texts of the entire three-part cycle by heart.  
   The Gorzkie Zale [gosh-geh-zahl-leh] began in Warsaw's Holy Cross Church during the 1700s. The devotion incorporates prose and verse, chant and reading, prayer and meditation, inviting participants to reflect on the mystery of Christian redemption, the Passion and death of the Christ. This deep appreciation for the Passion is seen in the most popular Polish image of Christ, Chrystus Frasobliwy, the so-called "sorrowing Christ," which depicts Christ in the Garden, bent in prayer and sorrow. The Lamentations highlight the very emotional nature of Polish spirituality, inviting a personal identification with the Suffering Lord and His Mother. The devotion is most often preceded by Benediction and chanted kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament.

